USER GUIDE (VER.1_1 1/2023)
Thank you for choosing a SCUBA ONE drysuit.
SCUBA ONE drysuits are handcrafted in Italy at our headquarters and are the result of decades of experience in the production of diving equipment. The careful choice of materials and the adoption of the best production techniques give SCUBA ONE products a high quality level.
The PPE (dry suit) covered by this instruction manual have been subjected to type tests and certified according to EU Regulation 2016/425 and in compliance with the harmonized standard EN14225-2:2017 by the Notified Organism n° 0474 RINA, Via Corsica 12, 16128 GENOVA, ITALY. The suits described there in are manufactured by SCUBA ONE, Via A. Costa 9, 73011, Alezio (LE), Italy. The Declaration of Conformity drawn up according to EU Regulation 2016/425 Annex IX can be downloaded from the website
• Read this manual carefully before using your drysuit.
• Use the dry suit only after having acquired the appropriate training given by qualified and certified instructors and having obtained the specific patent. Improper use of the dry suit can cause serious accidents and compromise the safety of the user and his dive buddies.
• The purpose of inflating the dry suit is to compensate for hydrostatic pressure and to keep the user's body dry. The dry suit itself does not insulate the diver thermally, for this purpose, it is necessary to use suitable clothing under the suit. Never intend the dry suit as a buoyancy adjuster, lifting device or as a substitute for the BCD.
Check the integrity of the watertight gaskets. If these have abrasions, cuts or are sticky, contact the retailer for replacement.
Carry out the same visual check on the entire surface of the suit to make sure there are no cuts or tears in the fabric.
Check that the watertight zip closes completely and does not have difficulty sliding. Make sure that the teeth are intact and do not have alignment problems, otherwise contact the dealer for replacement.
Check that the valves are screwed correctly into their seats.
WARNING! Failure to follow these simple steps may damage the suit and/or compromise its water tightness during the dive.
Before putting on the dry suit, it is advisable to remove jewellery or accessories that could damage the wetsuit or prevent the seals from adhering correctly to the skin. Lubricate the inside of the watertight seals with talcum powder or neutral soap before putting on the drysuit, this operation will be essential for dressing/undressing to take place correctly and easily, and it will also preserve the integrity of the materials over time.
Fully open the protective zip and the watertight zip, take out the suspenders, unfasten the crotch buckle.
Wear the drysuit trousers up to the waist. In case of separate boot, put it on and fasten it correctly before continuing with the dressing.
Wear the suspenders by placing them firmly on the shoulders, the clip on the back will keep the two tapes crossed at the back. It is not necessary to cross the straps in front they will usually already be crossed in the back. Adjust their tension so that the trousers are worn correctly and do not impede normal movement.
First put on the left arm (valve side) and its cuff, then pull the excess fabric so that the zipper chain reaches close to the neck, this will make it easier to put on the right arm. Wear right arm and cuff. Make sure the wrist seals fit evenly against the skin without wrinkling. *
Extend the bellows of the suit and position the base of the collar over the head, being careful not to hit the inside of the inlet valve. At this point, continue by firmly grasping the collar with both hands and widening it to facilitate the passage of the head. In the case of a neoprene collar, once it has settled on the neck, turn inward the upper edge so that the smooth part of the material adheres to the skin. Silicone or latex collars should not be turned upside down. *
Check that there are no debris between the teeth of the watertight zipper, this could compromise the watertight seal or cause damage to the zipper itself. Grab the cursor and pull downwards while with your free hand it is necessary to keep the two chains of the zipper as close as possible to facilitate closure. Bring to the docking end, ensure complete closure by pulling the slider downwards and at the same time holding the top of the zipper still. Close the external protective zip.
Turn the bellow downwards along the entire waistline and fasten the crotch buckle. Adjust the tension of the buckle so that the bellows does not reopen when you are in an upright position and at the same time does not compromise the comfort of movement.
Before putting on the other elements of the equipment and entering the water, it is advisable to release the air inside the suit by squatting down and slightly spreading the collar or by pressing the button on the exhaust valve.
Connect the hose to the inlet valve and check effective engagement by trying the inlet button. The hose must be connected to a low-pressure (LP) outlet of the first stage of the regulator.
Unfasten the crotch buckle, grab the fabric at the end of the zipper with your right hand and open both the protective zipper and the watertight zipper. Bring both sliders over the left shoulder.
In the case of a neoprene collar, turn the upper edge outwards in the opposite way to what was done when putting it on, so that the lined part comes into contact with the skin.
Firmly grab the collar with both hands, inserting the fingers laterally, widen the collar and pull upwards, simultaneously lowering the head to facilitate undressing. Be careful not to hit the inside of the inflation valve. *
Insert two fingers in the right cuff and thus facilitate its undressing, to facilitate the complete exit of the right arm, bring it backwards and grasp the end of the sleeve with the left hand. Once the right arm has been undressed, repeat the operation with the left arm. *
Remove the suspenders and pull the wetsuit completely out of the trousers.
* The correct dressing and undressing of the gaskets is essential to preserve their integrity and to guarantee the watertightness of the suit. Never force the passage in case of excessive adherence of the head and/or wrists, especially in case of lack of lubrication. Always facilitate dressing by spreading the elastic material with your hands free, taking care not to damage it with nails or jewellery.
Thoroughly wash your dry suit with fresh water after each dive. Encrustations of salt, sand or other external elements can damage the valves and zip or compromise their regular operation. It is advisable to dry the drysuit outdoors avoiding direct sunlight.
Once the suit is completely dry, store it in a cool, dry, dark place. It is possible to hang the wetsuit in a wardrobe, making sure that the collar does not suffer folds or tensions. You can store the wetsuit in the bag, rolling it up on itself starting from the boots, it is advisable in this case to make sure that the zipper is towards the outside at the end.
TIZIP® watertight zippers ensure great flexibility, comfort and do not require excessive maintenance. In addition to thorough washing after each dive, it is recommended to apply from time to time a drop of the supplied lubricant specifically in the docking end, close the zip and put the suit away as described above. Do not apply too much lubricant as an excessive dose, especially in the teeth of the chain, can cause a bad coupling of the waterproof plates and reduce their efficiency.
Our drysuits are covered by a 5 year warranty on manufacturing defects.
In the event of problems, or if it is necessary to replace parts subject to wear (watertight seals, zipper) it is advisable to contact your dealer or contact us directly using the contact details indicated in this Manual. We will take care to act promptly to minimize the waiting times.
Any modification work carried out by unauthorized SCUBA ONE personnel will invalidate the warranty.
The following table shows the reference measurements according to which the sizes are made.